Daniel The Dummy

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I came to work this morning after five days off for the Thanksgiving holidays. I loaded all of my things in my truck, then tried to look for the trailer. At first I couldn't find it because it wasn't in the place that it needed to be.
The trailer was preloaded so it need to be on concrete. But I guessed Daniel was working, because it was dropped on asphalt again. This is the fourth time in a row that Daniel dropped a loaded trailer on asphalt.

Loaded trailers are very heavy! The front of trailers sit on two metal poles called "landing gear." At the end of landing gear is called the foot. On very hot days asphalt can get very soft, and the landing gear can sink through the asphalt, and into the ground. That's why it's always a good habit to drop loaded trailers on concrete.
This is all trucking 101 stuff!  This is something you learn in truck driving school and it is reinforced when you get your first job. I don't know if this was Daniel's first job, but he has been here a couple years. This is stuff that "Daniel the dummy" should have already learned already.

Supposedly Cole Nelson, my dispatcher has counsel him three times already. Apparently he's not learning. So now when I get off work I'll be calling Sam our terminal Manager. It's very frustrating when one driver's making the same mistakes over and over again, and he cannot get it corrected through management.

He also continues to sign the paperwork in the wrong location! He signs it where the driver signs it, but he also signs it where the consignee should be signing it. So every time he works for me, the next day I have to have the consignee scratch through his name so that he can sign it.

Do you have a dummy at work that just will not learn to basic lessons of the job? If you have can you share it with us in the comment section? If you enjoyed the story, you can click on the "follow" button so that you can be notified of future stories.

The Legend

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Bible and Life 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
