Lost Keys!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I started hooking up my first load of the day, when Jeff rolled up on his bicycle. As we were hooking up he mentioned that yesterday was a horrible day for him! Jeff is a slim whit man, with a pony tail, and unkept facial hair. He is from Missouri and a very nice guy.

He said sometime yesterday he had lost a set of keys somewhere in the plant! It was actually one big key ring, that had four smaller key rings on it. They were all keys he needed to get into places here at the plant!

Jeff works in maintenance and there's lots of locked doors he has to get through. Like service elevators, electrical rooms, tool rooms, IT rooms, and offices, and other important places.

I told him stuff happens, and keys get lost, and that things get lost, and that's a part of life. I also told him that somebody will probably turn them in to security, in the lost and found. He kind of agreed with that logic.

Finding a set of keys is one thing, but knowing what doors they actually open, is a whole different ballgame. If somebody finds the keys, it really has no value to them, unless they know what they use the keys for!

He said he was going to contact security after he hooked me up. He said security will probably be pissed off about the lost keys out there. They did say he has a master key that opens everything. So he can still do his job, and get in the places he needs to go. He just has to be careful not to lose that key!

Have you ever lost a set of keys before? Can you tell us about it in the comment section? If you enjoyed this story and would like to catch all the future stories just click on the "follow" button at the top of the page.

William James Roop
"The Legend"
