Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I was with a young man who was training to be a truck driver, for us at Trimac Transportation. He spent the last ten years in the junk car business, and now he's changing career fields.
You told me a lot of stories about growing up, and his travels in Mexico. His parents are from Mexico, and his mother is an illegal immigrant. But he was born in United States.
He told me about the marijuana business that he knew a little bit about. He tried to describe to me about 420. It's actually pronounced 4-20. If I understand him correctly that was the date in which marijuana was legalized in California, April 20th.
So a lot of hotels will advertise that they are 420 friendly. Some festivals will call themselves 420 festivals. It's usually a tag or code word used by hippies throughout the country.
It was the first time I've ever heard of this term. And I consider that a good thing. I guess smoking marijuana is could be a good thing for others, but probably not for me.
I don't have a particular problem with them. Just as long as they don't try to drive on the public roadways while I'm driving. Because then it can get dangerous, and they can hurt people.
Even though my trainee knew a lot about it, he was not a pot smoker himself, or so he says. From what I can discern, he was not a user. He's seem to be clear-headed, intelligent, and ready to go to work. All of those things is what the average pot smoker is not!
The Legend
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Care and Dying
The Bible and Life
Apostolic Theological Seminary
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