Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
For the next several days I had a student name Thomas Stewart. He drove a UPS truck and then drove a bus, in Champagne, Illinois, for ten years. And now he's driving the truck for us Trimac Transportation.
Every time I would talk with him, he would say, "what's that?" No matter what I said, he always replied, "what's that?" So I was getting a little annoyed by that, because I had to repeat everything I said! That gets very old real fast! So I asked him if he had any hearing loss. He responded that he did in fact have hearing loss, and in the ear that was facing me!
His right ear was still kind of good, but the left ear was bad, because he had a habit of driving with the window down. Because of that, his hearing in his left ear was little to non-existent.
With the understanding that he had a hearing loss, and couldn't hear out of that ear that faced me, I understood the situation, and it became less annoying to me. From then on, whenever he said, "what's that?" And he turned his other ear towards me, I would understand that he just could not hear me very well.
Do you know of anyone who is very hard of hearing? Can you share with us how you dealt with that situation in to comments section? If you enjoyed this story, you can click on the "follow" button to catch all of them in the future.
The Legend
Apostolic Theological Seminary
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