Bible Reincarnation?

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had a student driver named Thomas Stewart, who was an old bus driver from Champaign Illinois. We rode together for several days. He is one of the few white drivers Trimac Transportation has hired in a while. The word, "diversity," is a code word for "white people need not apply."

We were just talking, so I asked him if he went to church, or was he religious. He said that he really didn't go to church, but he didn't believe in reincarnation. I told him that reincarnation is not  a biblical doctrine.

He said it was, and he pointed out two different places in the Bible, where it talks about reincarnation. When he said that, I pulled out my really big study Bible. When he saw that, he kind of got the "deer in the headlights" look!

One of the Bible Passages that he mentioned was John the Baptist. I looked up that passage about John the Baptist coming as Elijah. So I explain to him that he came in the spirit of Elijah. He wasn't really Elijah reincarnated. He didn't seem to buy my exclamation.

I also explained to him that if the Bible establishes a doctrine, then a lot more than one verse is said about it. Usually an entire chapter, or at least five to six verses is dedicated to it. If it's a doctrine, it's talked about throughout the whole Bible.

Have you ever had to explain to someone out of the Bible?  If you have, can you share it with us in the comments section?  If you enjoyed this little story, you can click on the "follow" button to catch all of the future stories.

The Legend

Roop-Crappell Ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Bible and Life

Apostolic Theological Seminary
