Harley-Davidson Racing

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Today I had two loads of Freon, which I do every day, Monday through Friday, for Trimac Transportation. I had a student named Patrick Bennett with me today. He is in middle-aged African American originally from California.

We started to have a conversation as we were driving towards Waller, Texas to make our delivery. He told me he like to ride motorcycles. I told him that was one of the things that I never tried to do. I told him I just never got around to it.

He told me he taught himself to ride a motorcycle. Then he started riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles with a group of friends in Oakland, California. They would rather Harley-Davidson motorcycles to Los Angeles and back and all throughout the Bay area.

He then started racing Harley-Davidson motorcycles! I told him that Harley Davidson doesn't make racing bikes. He told me that's true, but they do make kits to turn Harley-Davidson motorcycles into race bikes. He said he buys these kits of Harley-Davidson manufactured parts, that fit Harley-Davidson engines.

He said he races those bikes for years now. I asked him how fast he has ever gotten on a motorcycle. He said the buses he's gone is one-hundred and fifty miles an hour! I asked him what the world looks like going one-hundred and fifty mph on the motorcycle. He responded that it looks like a blur!

If you've ever been over a hundred miles-an-hour on a motorcycle you can tell us about it in the comment section. Hope you enjoyed the story you can click on the follow button to read all the stories.

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