A Ghost Walking Down The Hall

 Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

How was teamed up today with Alfredo Alegria. Alegria means happy in Spanish. And he did always seem happy.  He is an immigrant from Mexico that came here in nineteen-ninety-two. 

We were telling ghost stories as we were driving to Bay City,  Texas. One story came from his old workplace that was haunted! That was Trout Transportation, in Houston, Texas. He said there were so many ghost sightings there. Here's one that he told me.

Two managers were in the office one evening, when they looked up through a window, and saw a man walking down the hallway. He was walking down the hallway that dead ended at a metal shop door.

The shop was closed for a couple hours, and that door was closed and locked. Neither one of the managers recognize the man and so started walking across the room, towards the hallway. Will they get to the hallway and look down to the closed and lock door, they didn't see anybody!

They didn't see anybody turn around and come back either. So they tried to open the door and it was locked! The other manager went and got the key to the door. He came back and open the door and searched the shop. Nobody was in the shop either! To this day it's still a mystery!

If you have hurting your story or experienced a ghost. Please share it with us in the comment section.

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 The Bible and Life 

 The Trucking Tango 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
