Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I came back to work after a free day weekend. My beautiful wife and I spent the weekend in Louisiana. Showed up at work a little earlier in order to find my tractor, and hook up with the trailer.
Found my tractor while I left it, nobody else used it while I was gone. I drove around the corner of a line of trailers, and saw my trailer right away. I backed up and hooked up to it and everything was fine. I then fold up to the office.
There are start making coffee, I got my bl ank bills out of my mailbox. I then went in the dispatch office and got my two fittings. I need two high pressure specialized knock on fittings In order to offload the Freon.
With my two blank bills, and my fittings, and coffee, I drive off to the customer. I called my wife as usual so she can read the Bible to me. Then I get about thirty miles away on my journey, and discover I had forgotten to get my loaded paperwork out of the tray.
The loading paperwork is the most important one. It tells everyone what product I have on the trailer. And being a hazardous material load, it's even more important. If the Department of Transportation, found me without loading paperwork, They would shut me down and give me a very large fine!
But I was thirty miles away already and didn't have time to go back. Plus, I knew I could fax, or email the paperwork to the customer. So I kept going on to the customer, I had about forty miles to go. Then I get there without being stopped, or found out!
I get to the customer, and Lloyd happens to be walking past with a new manager. So as Lloyd if I can have some paperwork faxed to the office. You said they don't have a fax machine but I can have an email to him, and he could print it out.
So after hooking up my trailer and get the pump going, I walked to his office. I called Jeanette, at my work, and gave her the email address. Jeanette always comes to work at seven in the morning, an hour earlier than everyone else. She's a real sweet lady.
I give her the email address and I wait and I wait till Lloyd's office, but no email. I call her back and she forgot one letter of the email! She tries again, but no email again! Well I just tell her to email it to me. She did, and then I forwarded to Lloyd. Lloyd got that and printed out for me.
And if that wasn't bad enough it didn't end there! On the next load I looked around and could not find my blank bills. I looked and looked and thought they blew off the open door, since it was very windy that day! But eventually I looked around and found it under some other papers I had printed out.
So I was much relieved to find those in the truck. It was just a crazy day of forgetting things. From what I hear I'm not the only one at my age to be forgetting things! If you had a day like this, please be free to tell me in the comment section.
The Legend
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Volunteer Stories
My Bible blog
Apostolic Theological Seminary
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