A Load Pushed Back

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I just got back from four days off from work! Gretchen and I went to Louisiana, to clean out the house on 3rd Street to rent it out. On our way back we went to Lafayette, Louisiana and went to breakfast with a lady from Pakistan, concerning ministry there.

On my first load of the day the tank levels are still pretty high, They only have room for one and a half loads of Freon. I'm scheduled two loads a day all week long. So I upload my first load, which kind of fills them up a little bit.

So driving back after offloading I'm wondering canceled or will I have to wait all day to offload the second one. I really didn't want to hang around since I had to teach class this evening. I am teaching Apostolic Church history, who are the school Apostolic Theological Seminary.

Robert reports the weights to their Purchasing Department. I need a couple tires so I decided to go to Lowe's to buy some time so they can make a decision. While I was there Gina calls me up, and lets me know the verdict.

They said we could push the next load till tomorrow, or I can Wait till one o'clock to offload the second load. I quickly tell Gina that we should push the load till tomorrow. That way I can get my tires on you go pick up tomorrow's load and take it to the yard.

These days I like having an early day off and plus I needed time to get ready for class tonight. So that's what happens I pick up the load for tomorrow and take it back to the yard and enjoy a few extra hours off!

The Legend

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

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 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
