Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I've been having some problems at VLS Recovery Services. John and Dirk have not been getting the trailers loaded. So I've been pressuring them to get something done. John is an older black man. Dirk is his son.
Both of those guys were using the excuse that they were doing vapor recovery and was taking all their time. But they do have a lot of wasted time. So John is standing up next to my driver's door, and we're fussing each other. John makes the comment that he'll be retiring soon.
So I told him he can retire tomorrow and he'll take his son Dirk with him! He didn't say anything at the time. The next day you confront me at the scale. Saying he was highly offended and he went and told the boss about my comments. I kind of left it off then I told him I was just joking.
After I thought about that night, he resemble a jailhouse snitch! If he brings it up again they went to the boss that's why I'm going to call him. That should make him plenty mad! I have noticed they've been loading more trailers now. So maybe all my nagging did some good after all!
But the next day I did apologize him when I saw him again in the scales. He seems to accept my apology with a good nature. Not that I was really sorry, but for his sake. I guess I probably should be sorry a little bit. But me and John have a history, and so I am not.
The Legend
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Volunteer Stories
The Bible and Life
Apostolic Theological Seminary
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