Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I just got now church with my wife Gretchen. I was sitting on the couch, and decided to look on the news on my phone. I saw a new story about fire and Hockley, Texas! That got my interest very quickly since I load Freon out of a plant in Hockley Texas!
I turn my TV on YouTube to see if there's a news clips. There was a news clip, and I saw that the plant where I load Freon was on fire! It was a huge fire with barrels of chemicals blowing up! It looked really, really, bad! The fire was not in the plant proper. Next to the plant is a small warehouse where they recycled waste. It was that warehouse that got fire!
The fire burn for half a day, because the fire water line had low water pressure! They had to roll in some water trucks from Houston. Even though the fire was contained to the warehouse the entire VLS Recovery Services plant had to shut down for safety.
Because it was Sunday, I couldn't get any additional information as far as how I would affect my Freon deliveries. So I plan to deliver my first load at the normal time at Goodman Manufacturing. Once there, I'm sure I'll be informed of what's going on.
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