Fan Massacre!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

It's Monday morning, I'm here for my first load of the day, and Robert hooked me up and got us going. I have two loads of Freon today.

Robert was sharing a story about a guy, in the factory didn't want to work, because it was the Easter holiday. The factory had pedestal fans, that blew air around to keep the workers cool. So in order to get off work he's stuck his fingers in one of the fans.

I told Robert, that was kind of like the guys, during a war, in the front lines, who would shoot himself in the foot to get sent to the rear area. He laughed and agreed with that scenario.

Robertson shared with me that they had to take all the pedestal fans away because of that action. The factory had them install fans from the ceiling hanging down. So that they're too high for someone to reach.

He said they had to go to all that trouble cuz of one idiot. I told him we have plenty of those idiots working for our industry as well. But when he only paid twelve dollar- an-hour, that's what you get, a twelve dollar-an-hour worker.

The Legend

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