Out Of Water

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had just parked and hooked up to my first container of the day. Bob and Kenny were there and we're hanging around while Bob smoked a cigarette.

Bob is an immigrant from British Guyana, and he is very outspoken!  Bob is sixty-five years old and kind of runs this plant.  Kenny is a young man of twenty-nine, if I remember correctly. Kenny is Bob's latest helper.  Both are on the planet maintenance crew.

We were standing around talking telling stories. Kenny starts talking about the water situation. He told me that the plant was out of water. I said how can the plant be out of water? He said they were out of bottled water.

I told him that's quite different. He told me they always had a couple pallets of water in the break room. I didn't tell him, but I always went in and grabbed water too. Whenever I walk over there to use the restroom I always came back with two bottles of water.

He said one of their contractors, Fastenal, supplied them with their bottled water. And for some reason they are out. I told him don't worry about it just keep your empty bottles, and refilled it with tap water. He responded that tap water had a funny taste to it.

These young people today are growing up drinking the bottled water. They're all getting quite spoiled. But I was growing up we didn't have any bottle of water. All we had was tap water. Now when the bottled water runs out, they start to panic!

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 My Bible blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
