
Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Yesterday, I was behind a jackass!  I had just left the yard, It was about Five-forty-five in the morning. I drove down Fairmont, to the left turn lane, to turn on on Allen-Genoa Road.

As I slowly approached the light, there was a white work van in front of me.  As the light turned green, he started going forward but then he stopped right away. Forcing me to stop behind him. That was exactly what this jackass wanted to do!

He was trying to make me miss the light, so that I would have to wait the next light cycle. I still had a little momentum left, so I went through the light anyway. That light is so short, so you can't make it through anyway without it turning red.

We run across these idiots once in awhile. They are either trying to be funny, control freaks, or just trying to be mean to someone. But it didn't work today, because I went through light anyway.

At the intersection of Red bluff and Allen-Genoa boulevard, I caught up with him.  It was a work van but all the lettering was on the doors and not the back. He turned right and I went straight.

I wasn't very mad as I saw these guys before.  You can't be mad at people like that, or you're mad all day long. Instead I pity the fool! As Mr. T would say! Sooner or later, karma will catch up with him!

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

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 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
