Flash Party!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had just disconnected in my last load of the day, and I was talking to James, who is one of the maintenance guys here at the plant.  We talked about a few things until he eventually brought the story of the flash parties He used to go to.

James is a short stocky guy in his late forties, maybe early fifties. He spent some time as a contractor for the military. He told me that years ago when him and his wife were dating. They would receive invitations to go to flash parties back in the day.

This was when they were underage and wanted to drink.  His wife knew of a guy who put on flash parties. What he would do was buy a bunch of booze, break in an abandoned warehouse, then advertise by text message.

These were all connections that his wife had, who back then was his girlfriend. This guy would break into an abandoned warehouse. He would set up a bar and a big stereo, who made kind of a nightclub of it. When he was ready he would text message everyone who knew. Then those people with text message everyone they knew, and so on, and so forth.

So you had this makeshift nightclub with all these underage kids, and young adults as well, who would pay very good money to go there and drink alcohol. And being that it was against the law to break an error a building your own, that made it even more fun!

After three or four hours, and with thousands of dollars in profits in his pocket. This guy would clean up the booze and alcohol and all the trash and he'd be on his way. The owners of the warehouses probably never knew what had taken place there?

Brother Roop

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