Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I arrived early in the morning to offload my only load of the day. Just one load today so it should be a short one. The first Robert told me one tank was completely full when it wasn't, you got a little confused. Robert is the lead man He's a middle-aged black man who spent ten years in the army.
Instead of their talking, I asked him if anything interesting happened at the factory. He mentioned that two trucks collided at the corner of the building. I replied that that's a dangerous corner.
Robert said two trucks passing around that corner collided and one of them tipted over. He said that security told him both trucks were speeding. Wow they're passing an 18-wheeler was on the outside and the corner of the building, and a small bobtail truck was on the inside.
A small bobtail truck misjudged how the larger trucks trailer would track into him. The trailer hit the bobtail and knocked it on its side. Robert said that security is thinking about putting road humps all along the outside of the building to slow traffic down.
The speed limit is 15 miles an hour and I usually do 10 myself. 15 mph is plenty fast enough. Everyday I have trucks passing me because they think I'm going to slow. Traffic comes would be a pain, but it will probably help the situation.
Brother Roop
Roop-Crappell Ministries
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Apostolic Theological Seminary
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