Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I arrived at the plant to offload my first load of the day. Mike, Bob, and Wiley and the new kid were all there to talk to me, and help me hook up. They let the new kid do everything to train him. All the other guys are there just to talk.
Robert was the lead man of this maintenance crew, but yet he didn't show up for work, yesterday he spent two hours in the human resources department for a meeting about the latest accusation!
Apparently one of the women at the plant, accused Robert of having coerced her into having sex with her. The guys brought up another guy, that was fired after he got two days off, when it came back to work they fired him!
The guys were saying that after the human resources meeting, and Robert not showing up for work, it wasn't looking good. They agreed if Robert didn't show up tomorrow, he's probably going to be fired or had already been fired!
The guys were saying that after the human resources meeting, and Robert not showing up for work, it wasn't looking good. They agreed if Robert didn't show up tomorrow, he's probably going to be fired or had already been fired!
Robert was known to be the biggest womanizer on the planet, and has been in trouble before with other sexual harassment charges. It is a common problem in the plant, many of the employees have "work spouses." Robert is always treated me very well and I would hate to see him go. Who knows what the truth really is!
Brother Roop
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Volunteer Stories
Apostolic Theological Seminary
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