Fire Extinguisher Chaos

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had just parked for the day after doing two loads of Freon. Into my right was the smashed up red Volvo that was Cory's truck. To my left was a Cheek truck and trailer, with a driver in there, and a white mess around him.

After taking a picture of Cory's truck I walked over to the Cheek truck. In Cheek, Texas, just west of Beaumont, we have a truck yard inside a Goodyear plant. They hold a flammable product out of the plant and then reload around the Houston area, going back in the plant.

The driver a short plump Mexican guy. I've seen around a few times but I don't know who he is or what his name was. He was messing around with some paperwork and cleaning things up.

He was doing something in the truck and hit the fire extinguisher lever. He said the lever didn't have a safety pin in it. He said that either he couldn't get it fixed, or he wasn't writing it up, but The fire extinguisher in the truck was unsecure, and it didn't have the safety pin in it.

The fire extinguisher went off inside the truck and filled it all full of white powder! Apparently he got the fire extinguisher thrown outside!  And there's a bunch more powder near his drive tires and around the driver's door!

I took a picture and video of it but I can't find either one anymore.  The video I posted on my YouTube channel, "Brother Roop  teaches the Bible.". I told the guy in thirty-two years of trucking, I never seen this before!

William James Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

  Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 My Bible blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
