The Mike Adams Spill

 Hello everyone, Praise the Lord!

About two-months ago the unthinkable happened! The perfect Mike Adams our yard super trucker had an accident.  And it was a big one!

He was translating a load of nitric acid into another trailer with a student. The biggest problem was he did it on the north side of the yard where there was no safety shower, or an eyewash available!

And while they were taking off the dry brake fitting to hook up the hose, a little bit of acid dribbled out of the dry break and went on the student's arm, causing a large burn on his arm and him going to the hospital.

According to Mike Adams, the student put his arm under the acid to get burned, just so he can file a lawsuit against the company. He did this not understanding that nitric acid is a severely corrosive chemical and will do a great deal of harm to your body.

They took him to the hospital screaming and pain!  I haven't heard anything about a lawsuit but I haven't seen much of Mike Adams lately either.

Mike was removed as our chief driver instructor and no longer trains anyone, or schedules anybody. Jesse, that filthy homosexual is now doing the scheduling.  Andre Wheeler is now doing the pump and compressor class and is probably considered our cheap driver inspector.

Mike was always an agitator to management, and now management had a good reason to attack him, and put him in a corner and shut him up.  It's good to hold your own against management, but sometimes you got to know when to be respectful, because they will get the revenge if they're giving a chance!

Management and companies today are just nasty, and will do anything to remove you, or get rid of you, shut you up, or do anything hateful upon you They don't care about morale or building up morale, or tearing down morale They just want to roll with an iron fist!

William James Roop
