Skunk Attack

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I came in at my normal time of four In the morning.  I walk in the drivers room and I see the sign for a company lunch scheduled for next week.  It looks good to me.  I hope they have some left over for me when I get in the late afternoon!

I delivered my regular schedule load of Freon to Daiken in Waller TX.  It all went well. Went across the street and got my second load.  I drove to the Loves Truck Stop to get fuel and take my lunch break.

On the way there on the Hempstead hwy, I seen a skunk crossing the road just in front of me.  I didn't have time to do anything!  The skunk could have made it, but he panicked and stopped!  He lifted up his tail and sprayed just before I ran him over!  It stunk pretty bad, he got the front of my truck!

I got to the Loves Truck Stop and as I just finished pumping fuel, looked over at the next fuel lane. There is a old black flat bed driver pissing!  I tell at him and tell him that they have restrooms inside.  He yelled back for me to mind my own business.

I got in the truck and he walked around his truck still yelling at me. I roll down my passenger window and tell him not to be an animal!  He yelled something back.

Do I drove around and parked to take my lunch break.  I had biscuits and gravy and mixed vegetables.  Unloaded the second load, got my load for Monday and returned to the yard.

Brother Roop
