No Backing Brian Go's Crazy, Part 2

Hello Everyone.  Praise the Lord! it's a quiet ride to Waller.  When we get to Daikin, Brian refuses to do anything and gives me the quiet treatment!  Robert is there to help and turn on the pump, I tell him that Brian's giving me the silent treatment like a woman!  Brian is set off again!  He starts bellyaching and walks away.

I hook up and we get the product moving.  I go set in the truck and start my paperwork and Brian hangs around the rear of the trailer.  I watch him in the mirrors the whole time.  When we are done, I unhook and Brian hops in the truck and we go get a second one.

We get to VLS Recovery and Brian says that since he has no hard hat, he cannot help me, with a stupid grin on his face.  No problem, it's a simple drop and hook.

After hooking to the loaded trailer, I am doing paperwork and drinking coffee.  Brian accuses me of wasting Trimac time by drinking coffee.  I tell him not to worry about it.  He bellyaches some more.  He is some unhappy camper!

So I try to be the bigger man and tell him that I'll buy him a breakfast burrito at Irv's.  He mumbles that he doesn't need anything from me.  We park at Irv's and walk in, I order one and again make my offer.  He says no and orders one.  We sit at different tables.

To be continued......

Brother Roop
