Tough Start!

Hello Everyone.  Praise the Lord!

The day started off bad! As soon as I got to work my wife called me saying that she had forgotten her keys in my pickup. Yup, she did indeed. So I drove five miles back to the house to leave her keys there.

 I came back to work and my big rig would not start! It would be a few hours before it got jumped by the shop and I left the yard.

 I loaded at GenTech and found out that Thomas Perry was right in front of me. Normally I would have gotten a little banjo picking done but he came over to visit. He was in his new truck, which he bought from Trimac. It was K.W. Drieirs old truck!

 I got loaded and headed to Valero in Corpus Christi. It was misty with some rain mixed in all the way there. In Ganado, TX, a car was rolled over in the median.

 Got to Valero and de-min was full, so I had to split the load between three different tanks! I filled up two cooling tower tanks and emptied the rest in demin.demin. after a fuel stop in the Loves in Edna I got back to the yard around eleven thirty. As I was doing my paperwork I seen my promised new truck being used as a yard mule again! Idiots!

Brother Roop
