Truck Wash Washout

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

This is a story, that's part of a series of stories, of how truck drivers are their own worst enemy!

Years ago trying to make transportation create a truck washing area by where we wash out chemical hoses. It was a flat piece of concrete, that could catch water, and it would drain into a pit.

So the company made this into a truck wash area by the driver's request. It wasn't very long before owner-operators, they are drivers who own their own trucks,  would take the power washers and wash off the grease off their fifth wheels! For those who do not know a fifth wheel is the locking plate, that a trailer locks onto the tractor.

All that grease would go down into pit and plug up the pitch and the machinery. After many warnings, memos, and signs, these owner operators continue their bad behavior. He kept washing grease off your fifth wheels and plug it up the pit.

Finally had to take the power washer away and re-designate that space for something else. Because of the bad behavior truck drivers, we no longer have a place to wash our trucks. One of the many examples of how truck drivers are their own worst enemy.

The Legend

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 The Bible and Life blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
