Got To Get The Check

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had a student driving today, his name is Vicente Duran. In his old job, for Ben E. Keith Company, he was delivering food around town to different restaurants and customers large and small.  

Some of these customers were living from week to week, as far as their finances is concerned. Sometimes these businesses did not have the money to pay for the food delivery.

So sometimes, Vicente would receive instructions from his company, to get the check before he made his delivery!  Which means he could not offload until he received a check from the customer paying for the food delivery.

He had to ask for the check, and sometimes they didn't want to give it to him right away. So he would just say do I need to take the delivery back, or do I need to make a couple other stops before I return. Vicente sometimes would have to make a few stops and give the owner time to get to the bank.

That makes doing your job even more stressful than it already is by putting up with bad city traffic, and now customers who don't want to pay their bills.  Have you ever been in a situation where you needed the check first?  If you have, can you share it with us in the comments section?  If you enjoyed this story, you can click on the "follow" button to catch all of the future stories.

The Legend

Roop-Crappell ministries

Hospice Care and Dying

The Bible and Life

Apostolic Theological Seminary
