Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I was training a middle-aged white man, to drive a truck for Trimac Transportation. I mentioned that he's white, because I trained very few white people for this industry. Its just not the preferred thing to do.
Thomas Stewart is a former bus driver in Champagne, Illinois. Well, he decided to quit that job, and drive a truck for a living. So he moved his family to San Antonio, Texas, to attend Sage Truck Driving School.
I asked him what his wife did for a living, and if she could get a job around here. Thomas said, she worked in medical billing department at the hospital in Champagne Illinois.
She asked if she could be trained to work at home, and still keep her job. After a two-week wait, they decided that they could. So she still works for the hospital that's in Champagne, Illinois, from her home in San Antonio Texas. Now they live in Katy Texas, and she is still billing for her old hospital.
So she has been able to keep her job, and keep at least one paycheck, while Thomas was going to truck driving school. That's one good benefit of working from home, is that you can literally work them anywhere!
If you work from home and want to tell your story, share it with us in the comments section. If you enjoy these little stories, feel free to click on the "follow" button to catch them all.
The Legend
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