My New Best Friend

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Okay it seems kind of silly calling a new coffee cup my new best friend. I get it but you got to understand the world where I live. In the trucking industry probably is an important part of the day.

And when coffee is an important part of the day your coffee mug is also kind of important as well. Who does most coffee drinkers will agree with we usually drink coffee out of the same mug. When we do that we kind of build an attachment for it.

I like baby you have an attachment for a favorite book or a favorite instrument or maybe a favorite television show. We all have a favorites of something in our life depending on the importance of it. Truck drivers or coffee drinkers.

So taking that into account you can clearly see that a new coffee mug would be my new best friend. It's with me everyday all day. In fact my coffee mug is with me more often than my wife is! Hopefully she'll never read this! And don't you dare ever tell her!

The Legend

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 The Bible and Life 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
