Mexican bus driver

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I had my regular two loads of free onto Waller Texas for delivery today. Today I had a student driver with me who I am training. His name is Richard Rios and he is a middle-aged Hispanic man.

Richard was born and raised in the North Shore area, of Houston, Texas. He was very talkative and told me many stories throughout the day. What was his stories is about bus drivers, and the cartel business.

Cartels get a hold of the bus drivers and make a deal with them whether they like it or not. The bus driver's job is to look at the passengers and see if any have any money, or if there's any pretty young girls on board.

The Mexican bus drivers job, is to text the cartel member, of who they have on board. They then will somewhere, along the road, hold up the bus. Then they will take the wealthy person or the pretty girl. The wealthy person would be held for ransom. The pretty girl with the forced to prostitution for the cartel members.

If the Mexican bus drivers do not agree to this arrangement they are taken off the bus and shot. Either way the bus will be stopped and hijacked! So because the bus drivers don't want to be shot they are almost always free to work with the cartel! Life is very difficult in northern Mexico.

The Legend

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 The Bible and Life 

 Hospice Care and Dying 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
