Fish Grind

 Hello Everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was running my Freon loads as I do everyday. Today I had a student named Patrick Bennett. He is a middle-aged black man who just started with our company last Friday.

He told me he had pulled containers for a while, but didn't make any money doing it. I told him that Trimac Transportation doesn't pull from containers, but we had done it in the past and said it's not a needs a few select customers.

He mentioned that he would like to take out fishing someday. I told him I do all my fishing at the supermarket, and I always catch something! Then he told me about one particular load you'd have done in the past, well he thought was kind of interesting.

Who drove from Houston to an exit by Crowder, Louisiana. He took a small state road south where it ended in a bayou. You didn't know the name of the area but said there was a fish plant there. 

He was called a container to take to the port back in Houston, Texas. He backed up to the dock and opened the doors. They put a barrier up the back of the container. Then they just started pumping in fish grind inside the container. They didn't put any liners or bags in there, just the fish grind.

They just put a large hose inside the container and start pumping out the fish grind. Been fishing vessels returned to port, they take all the good fish out and send to supermarkets. Did you take the mediocre fish products that still edible, And that goes for fake fish food. Like the "lobster" meat at a low cost Chinese buffet.

All the fish that is not edible. That gets ground up into a fish grind. Meaning that it gets grounded up into small particles. This product is set by ship to other countries. They in turn use this ingredient for things like lipstick, cosmetics, and deodorant!

Patrick said it's stunk really really bad and they threw in a bunch of dry ice, so that it gets frozen for the journey overseas. Patrick said he was glad to see them close the doors. After they close the doors the sealed the doors, and did they vacuum lock on the container. That means they had a machine that sucked out the air that was inside the container!

That just goes to show you never know what goes inside a truck or a container! You just never know what leftover frogs can be used to make other things. Useless things can be made to be useful things again!

The Legend

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

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 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
