Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
My wife and I took my elderly mother up to Wisconsin to visit the whole family home. Why Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jerry live in the old farmhouse, in Wautoma, Wisconsin.
While we're up there he told me several stories about the history of the area, and the family. He took some time and told me some old trucking stories. Well Jerry was a truck driver for twenty-five years!
Monday through Friday he drove from Central Wisconsin to Chicago every night. One day he came back and saw a trailer on fire! Someone had put some flammable material next to the "hot barrel."
Open that part of the country it gets very cold in the winter time. And truck trailers did not have heating and cooling devices, like to do today. If they had freight they could not freeze, They would put a "hot barrel" on the trailer.
A hot barrel was a 55-gallon drum barrel that they would put hot coals on the bottom half of the barrel. Those hot coals would keep the trailer warm enough where it would not freeze inside. This was a common practice way back in the day.
Well coming back out of Chicago back to Wisconsin, Hi Uncle Jerry's saying while these trucks burn up because someone had put something flutable next to the "hot barrel." He said he put the hot barrel in the front of the trailer in the corner and then you don't put anything flammable around it.
Today we have reefer units that have been cooling device in the front with the trailer. We can just set the temperature we want and either the air conditioner or the heater will kick on keep an even temperature. It's interesting how times have changed!
The Legend
Roop-Crappell Ministries
Hospice Care and Dying
The Bible and Life
Apostolic Theological Seminary
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