Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
The day before I had one a couple of Astros tickets for the ball game and minute Maid Park. I was getting them free of charge through Houston hospice! The game started at one o'clock, and Gretchen and I were going.
Which was the perfect time for a ball game. Because I only had one load schedule that day anyway. So I went and did my one delivery, and then my preload for tomorrow.
But I had to get my paperwork straightened out in the dispatch office. That's never a good idea!
Even though I told Cole I had an Astros game to go to, He tried to get me to go to Beaumont, Texas, for a load. I told about the game, and he remembered. Then I as I was leaving he asked me to take a tractor to Southern Tire, just around the corner.
I knew I couldn't get out of there without him asking to do something. It was eleven o'clock in the morning and the game was in two hours! So I told him that I could do that little job for him!
Well that turned into a disaster! He told me the tractor number and said that a key should be in it At first you couldn't find a key to the tractor. Then as I was walking out, he called me and said he found a key. He ran out there to put the key in the door and before I can get there and it was there.
I cranked up the engine, drove out of the yard. As I was going down Bay Park road, People were flashing the lights at me. I look behind me and smoke was coming from the tires. Apparently, a brake on one of the tires was locked up! I pop the brakes and started again, and it started smoking again! I called Jeana and told her, she instructed me to bring the truck back.
I turned around at the intersection of Bay Park and Fairmont, and returned to the yard. I was looking at the clock and stressing out the whole time! Just when I have something to do, dispatch wants me to do these jobs! That's why I don't like going to the dispatch office!
The Legend
Roop-Crappell Ministries
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Apostolic Theological Seminary
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