Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I was at the plant early in the morning hooking up to my first load of the day. I was showing Bob and Kenny the hose leak that I am having. Bob is an older man, He is dark complexed Man of Indian origin. He immigrated the along with his family from British Guyana, in South America. Kenny, he is Bob's most recent helper. He is an immigrant from France, when he was a child.
The hoses belong to Goodman manufacturing so they're going to replace them. After we are done looking at the hoses, Bob started to look at my bumper. He yelled at me, "hey Bill, your bumper is fixing to fall off!". I walk over and look, and sure enough there's a very big crack on the weld. And the retaining bolts are loose as well!
I grabbed the bumper and move it up and down a little bit. Sure enough, it's pretty broke. So, after they rode off, I gave my dispatcher, Cole Nelson a text, let them know that this chassis needs some repair.
He very soon called me back, and told me that anything I want to do he'll back it up. So I told him I'll take the trailer to Barry's fleet service, in Hempstead, TX, and drop it off for repairs.
I've got two loads a day and this is going to make my day even longer. I do get paid by the hour, but still I'd rather have quality time at home with Gretchen, my bride. But it's all part of the job!
Brother Roop
Roop-Crappell Ministries
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Apostolic Theological Seminary
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