Truck Is Dead!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I just got back from taking three days off from work. Starting Friday and ending Sunday.  I help my wife in unpacking the car at home, I go to work to hook up my truck and trailer for Monday morning.

I drove to the yard got my unloading fittings from dispatch office.  I forgot my mailbox key at home, so I had to jump to counter to get my paperwork out of my mailbox. My shippers bill-of-laden paperwork was there, hawk was the one who worked for me on Friday.

I drove around to my tractor and loaded my tractor up with my stuff.  I reach down to turn the key, so I can drive over the trailer and hook up.  I can clearly see the trailer on the other side of the yard.

I turn the key and nothing! I turned the kill switch, and try it again, again nothing. My lights are turned off, and the kill switch was on, so no electricity was being used to run the batteries down. I maneuver my car to try and jump the truck. But my jumper cables are about two feet short.

So I drive home and make a call to Central dispatch, I only live five miles from our truck yard.  I call and let them know my truck is dead. After I get off the phone with them, Cole Nelson, my main dispatcher, gives me a text ask me what the problem is. When I text back that my truck is dead, he gives me a list of four trucks that are available.

It's just so disappointing coming off a small vacation and then having your work truck not starting! It's just kind of a let down to have trouble at work after you have a nice long weekend in Louisiana relaxing with friends and family.

Brother Roop

 Roop-Crappell Ministries 

 Hospice Volunteer Stories 

 My Bible blog 

 Apostolic Theological Seminary 
