Hello everyone. Praise the Lord!
I pulled up this morning, on time as usual, and Wiley came in his golf cart, to hook me up. Wiley is the sixty-year-old white man, with a big belly, raspy smokers voice, and with shoulder length hair, clean but always in need of a comb.
We started talking about how short-handed the maintenance staff is right now. I asked if anybody had quit. He said no, but several have been fired lately. He mentioned Antoine, which I already knew about, but then mentioned a few more I didn't know of.
He told me how Jeremy got fired because he didn't quarantine himself for covid-19 pneumonia exposure. Jeremy was a young slim, well-built black guy, who loved comic books and superheroes. He was a young engineer who graduated from Oral Roberts University. He was a dedicated Christian and a part-time model. When someone he worked with tested positive for coved, he got tested but came out negative. according to me rules he's supposed to quarantine for two- weeks anyway. He told everybody about this except for human resources. For this mistake they fired him!
They fired Zeke as well, because he was always coming in late for work. Zeke was a solidly built Hispanic man, Short in stature and in his fifties. And from the very beginning he had a bad attitude, that the company owed him, and he wasn't making the money for what he knew. Nobody exactly knew what he knew, so I don't see why they should pay him for what he thought he knew!
Brad was a lead man and only a year from retirement. He's an electrician by trade and knew a lot about maintenance. He was a slender average looking white man. They were thinking about firing him because of covet exposure that he may, or may not have reported. Nobody knows yet if he's going to be let go. but for him it doesn't matter he can get a job anywhere!
It just shows that today's business world is just a number and nobody cares about you and we probably shouldn't care about the company. I told Wally he better keep his head low since they're on a firing spree. He just laughed and agreed!
Brother Roop
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