Hello everyone, Praise the Lord!
About six-months ago Stewart's Stapp passed away! I intentionally decided not to write about him for a little while. At least until I think about, and process what happened to him.
He had an incident where he had a problem with a four-wheeler while he was transporting wastewater between our yards. He got out of his truck went to the car and yelled at the woman driver. This was all caught on film, on the truck camera, and he was terminated for his actions.
When he got terminated, he fell into a very deep depression. This depression was made worse by his heavy drinking, which I did not find out until later that he was a heavy drinker. And this depression, and drinking, and not eating took his toll on his health.
Because he was depressed over his situation he stopped eating all together. This caused him to lose a lot of weight! Not that he was all that skinny at the beginning, with but he wasn't all that obese either.
His depression which caused his refusal to eat, and is heavy drinking caused his health to decline, and he had to go to the hospital. His sister who lives across town tried to help him. Mike Adams who is our coworker also tried to help him. But all this was of no avail and he continued his slow decline!
He was admitted to the hospital with malnutrition, and he passed away in the hospital. He had just given up on life and just didn't want to live anymore.
I had known Stuart Stapp for about twenty-five years. He always had an extreme personality. He was very very hot-headed loud and obnoxious. When he was younger he was much much worse, but now that he was in his late fifties, he had mellowed out a lot.
I'm sorry Stewart fell in that hold of depression, and I'm sorry I didn't know about it, where I can maybe have helped him. I do want to say that I will miss him, even though we had butt heads a few times, but not lately. But he is somebody I will always remember and I will miss him greatly.
William James Roop
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