Barry's Fleet Service

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was running late this morning, but Mike Adams was there and he had already made the coffee.  So I just had to down my smoothie and fill up my thermos and cup.

I was behind do I took Hwy 290 from the beltway to the plant in Waller.  I got there in time.  While I was unloading, the maintenance guys rebuilt the other pump. It was leaking Freon out of the bottom.

After unloading I went to the Loves Truck Stop to get the air leak fixed on the chassis. Sam Atkinson and I discussed it yesterday. The Branch and the Shop were having a power struggle!  So he allowed me to take the chassis to a third vendor for repairs.

The guy at Loves said that they only do tires. He guided me to Barry's Fleet Service in Hempstead. A little town about seven miles from the Loves.  So I drove there hoping for the best!

I went there and in-between I seen that they are building a new and large cricket fields.  I thought that that was interesting!

I got to Barry's Fleet Service and in a few hours they had it fixed.  They replaced the Spring Brake Control Valve next to the air tank.  After I finished there I stopped again at the Loves Truck Stop to fuel and take my thirty minutes brake.

I then went to VLS Recovery and got my container for tomorrow.  I returned to the yard and found out from Cole Nelson that I only have one load tomorrow instead of two.  That's always sad to hear!

Brother Roop
