Pouring Rain Morning

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I went to work at four in the morning and it was pouring down rain!  My truck and trailer we're already connected and high but I still got soaking wet!

I had my regular schedule load of Freon to Daikin in Waller TX.  It stayed dry in Waller.  I went across the street and got the loaded trailer for tomorrow.

I stopped at the Deer Park Loves truck stop for fuel.  The fuel pump gave me trouble.  Gulley pulled up behind me, he jumped out to get some lunch.  Inside I seen an old driver of us.

I got back to the yard and they didn't have anything else to do.  Which was good because I had to get a haircut and clean up the garage for the new freezer that is coming Saturday.

It is the second day of Drivers appreciation week but they had nothing planned.  Sad.

Brother Roop
