Big Daddy!

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

I was dispatched to take two loaded containers that have been sitting at the branch for 9 months, and deliver them to Dow in Freeport, TX. These containers had the wrong placards on so I had to change them. Cut-out numbers and spray-on glue did the trick.

 The container still had the loading fitting still on it so I had the shop take it off. Going to the shop the tires left a black trail due to the dry rote on the tires coming off! Weird! Ray in the shop took the fitting off and the product looked like honey. Gold and thick. That meant no slosh.

After dropping off the first one I stopped at Big Daddy's for BBQ. I brought my lunch but I'll save it for tomorrow, can't pass up BBQ.

After dropping off the second container at the same place at Dow, I was leaving and to avoid a traffic jam in Clute,  I went the back way and ran into a bigger traffic jam on the Gulf freeway.  It was meant to be I guess.

Where is your favorite BBQ joint?  Can you tell us about it in the comments section?

Brother Roop
Nov 17, 2011
