Flat Tire Monday

Hello everyone.  Praise the Lord!

Monday morning and my truck started right up, wow, surprise. Here lately I don't know if will start or not. If it sits for two days it sometimes will not start.

Everything looked fine, even tire pressures. Hook to trailer fuel at the fuel island and guess what?  Flat tire! I guess the truck was sitting right on the hole and sealed off the leak. That has happened once before that I can remember. That cost me two hours since they could not fix this one and did not have a replacement on hand.

They said this was an emergency load and had to get there a day early cause they were out of product. So I get out there and they tell me I need to wait since they are very busy. Okay. So much for emergency's!  Didn't have to wait too long.

Brother Roop
Oct 24, 2011
